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Patriot Burial Marker Ceremony in Whitney Point, NY 9 Oct 2021. Pictured Connie Pratt, Jen Metcalf, Beth Burleigh, Debbi Abbey, Jeanne Ketcham, Dianne Cappiello, Debbie Wells and Marty Eisenstadt. Jointly placed by ESSAR, Binghamton and Tuscarora Chapter NSDAR, Binghamton.

The Tuscarora Chapter, NSDAR, was organized on October 12, 1895, in Binghamton, New York. “Tuscarora” was selected for our chapter name because the sixth Nation of the Iroquois chose the confluence of the Chenango and Susquehanna rivers (where Binghamton is situated) and the valleys nearby for their villages. The Tuscarora, along with the Oneida, were the only members of the Iroquois confederacy who chose to fight with the colonists against the British in the war for independence; therefore, it seemed appropriate to adopt the name of the Native Americans who were the original lords of this soil.

Chapter meetings

The Tuscarora Chapter, NSDAR, meets monthly February through May and September through December, including a pilgrimage (local group travel to a historic location) in June. No meetings are held in January, July, and August.